cone penetration test

英 [kəʊn ˌpenəˈtreɪʃn test] 美 [koʊn ˌpenəˈtreɪʃn test]

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  1. At present, numerous methods based on the cone penetration test ( CPT) data have been developed for evaluating the potential of soil liquefaction, but the validity is still confused.
  2. Application of cone penetration test in tailings dam exploration
  3. Determining Compression Modulus of Soft Soil by Cone Penetration Test
  4. The cone penetration test ( CPT) can't be used in harder soil such as loess or in deeper soil because of the higher cone resistance and the limited capacity of the equipment of CPT.
  5. The result shows that it is feasible to use artificial neural network model to calculate the liquation index by static cone penetration test.
  6. Theoretical relationship between the cone penetration test data and the bearing capacity of pile are derived.
  7. These provide theoretic and practical reference for classifying soil layer by using static cone penetration test.
  8. The Effect of Elliptic Cement Sheath Thickness and Elastic Modules on Casing Stress Determining Compression Modulus of Soft Soil by Cone Penetration Test
  9. Correlation study of light dynamic penetration test and cone penetration test in testing coarse sand
  10. Correlative study of cone penetration test parameters and physico-mechanical properties of the seabed soil on the East China Sea Continental Shelf
  11. Analysis of Pore Pressure Static Cone Penetration Test to determine Soft Clay Strength
  12. The cone penetration test is a popular in-situ test method.
  13. Using particle flow code in2-dimension ( PFC2D) to study the meso-mechanics of cone penetration test is a good way, and it will be helpful to the service for practical engineering.
  14. Application of Technique of Cone Penetration Test to the Investigation of Engineering in Loess Area
  15. Cone penetration test is the most important in situ testing.
  16. Application of the Cone Penetration Test confirming loading force on railway geological investigation
  17. Elastic-plastic Numerical Analysis for the Cone Penetration Test Considering Large Strain
  18. Static cone penetration test has been done to study the effect of shield tunneling on the ground in our research project, and the variation of Ps ( specific penetration resistance) also has been measured.
  19. In this paper, using static cone penetration test, borehole specimen test, dynamic loading test, static loading test and controlling the grouting quantity to monitor the quality of soil-cement pile in construction is presented, it is very useful for practical engineering constraction.
  20. The relationship between shear strength of desert sand and index of cone penetration test
  21. The correlation between the pile bearing capacity and Cone Penetration Test ( CPT) results is studied by means of multiple regression analysis.
  22. The concept of soil sensitivity is introduced briefly. The method of measuring soil sensitivity by the ratio of side friction resistances from single bridge and double bridge cone penetration test is put forward for the first time.
  23. The Development Status and Applications of In Situ Cone Penetration Test Technology
  24. Study on the Disturbance of Soil Mass Caused due to Shield Tunnelling by Static Cone Penetration Test
  25. It is the most effective approach to calculate the vertical and the horizontal auto-correlation distance by using the static cone penetration test curve and the shear wave velocity respectively.
  26. Analysis of the influence of borehole upon the static cone penetration test curve
  27. The soil parameters of cone penetration test ( CPT) in the coastal area of Fujian Province are obtained.
  28. This shows that the suitability between the fiber and asphalt mixtures is very good. Second, the influence of polyacrylonitrile fiber on performance of asphalt mortar was studied by cone penetration test, bending beam rheological test and dynamic shear rheological test.
  29. The data measured from standard penetration test, static cone penetration test and surface wave test are used to evaluate the effective influence depth, the strength of soils, the increase of foundation modulus and the influence to surroundings.